'Stay home... Think positive!'
That's a phrase we hear a lot in the past few weeks, due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Positivity is something that comes from our inside and we try to keep it alive by doing things that makes us happy.
Listening to your favourite song, talking to friends (through videocalls for now...), exercising or having a nice meal could just make your day...!
What if you could dress happy?
Match your Blue Cicada bright red top with a fucshia skirt or a terracotta t-shirt with an emerald green skirt or even dress in yellow head-to-toe. Make bold colour combinations and statement looks...
Can this make you happy? The answer is.... 'Yes'!
Research has shown that dressing in bold, bright colours or mixing
and matching colours can really make your mood. You should try it!
But don't worry...
If your favourite colour is grey or black and white you can be happy too...!

Make your own noise in this world!
If your favourite outfit is a total black look or a white t- shirt with a used pair of jeans, then that is what you should be wearing... especially in these weird times we are going through!
So wake up and pick your outfit for your day!
Dress positive, think positive!
Stay home, stay safe!
Until we all meet again... in person!